The Interviews
NCFC managed to get a couple of good interviews with people heavily involved in the scene back in the day and will be working on updated ones...
Jo Capitalicide of Germ Attak *new*
Dave "Tufty" Clough + Vess Ruhtenberg - Zero Boys *new*
John Stabb - Government Issue's front man:
2010 interview *new*
T.S.O.L. - True Sounds of Liberty. Front man Jack Ladoga interviewed before a show.
M.D.C. - should need no introduction.
D.O.A. - them either.
Ken Lester - long-time manager of D.O.A. and a major player in the early punk scene.
Ian MacKaye - Minor Threat's legendary front man, in case you didn't already know.
Sab Grey - front man for Iron Cross.
Boyd Farrell - front man for Black Market Baby.
And here are some links to some other cool pages:
These first three could be considered the fanzines of today – full of reviews, photos, upcoming show listings, etc....
www.natcaprock.blogspot.com – an amazing Ottawa blog by Andrew Carver with pix and show reviews.
http://ottawaexplosion.blogspot.com/ – another amazing Ottawa blog.
www.punkottawa.com – a great resource for Ottawa bands, promoters and showgowers.
'Finish What You Started' Records
Two Ottawa radio station that have punk shows (live stream too!): CHUO and CKCU
www.punkhistorycanada.ca - currently off-line, but we can always hope it'll be back.
And just for the hell of it: Rick Santorum is a dick