No Cause for Concern? Issue #8 | October 1983 | Page 12 | M.D.C

A Benefit for

Reactors, Raw Sewage, Honest Injun,
Porcelain Forehead

What a joke! Raw Sewage blew away everybody, but all the cool new kids that were thrashing for Honest Injun and Reactors had gone home by the time Brian "Potatohead" Bunt and crew stormed the stage. Brian is a maniac on guitar and a great singer. Some of their new toons sound like M.D.C. meet D.R.I. Excellent!!! Can't wait till they they play next.

Porcelain Forehead played an impromptu set. Some new tunes here. Pretty good. Before them the Reactors played. Kinda sounded like Stiff Little Fingers. Impressive. First up was Honest Injun. I don't care for their politics but musically they were competent. Especially Marty who was flying around a lot.

The main thing that I feel fucked up this show was the bullshit politics involved. M.D.C. are not in jail anymore. They're out of the country. They paid their bail and they're gone. So why give them money that could have been better used by the bands themselves? Huh? I hope this review makes me lots of new friends!!!

- D.C.

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