Jennifer Grover
1. S.L.F. - all
2. Blitz - Never Surrender
3. Robert Gordon - Black Slacks
4. Forgotten Rebels
5. Reggae
6. The Young Lions
7. Fear - I Love Living in the City
8. The RandyPeters - Peanut Butter Toes
9. Subhumans - Slave to my Dick
10. Generation X - first l.p.
Geoff Brown
1. James Dean
2. Bullfighting
3. Stray Cats - Drink That Bottle Down
4. Stray Cats - Wicked Whisky
5. Howard the Duck
6. Girls in fishnet stockings
7. Lucky Strike cigarettes
8. Gene Vincent - Be Bop a Lula
9. Graveyards at night with a full moon
10. Civil Terror - In Cold Blood

[ Dave Valiquette
1. Crass
2. Maximum Rock n Roll (fanzine)
3. Jisele (Earful Records)
4. Jello Biafra's voice
5. Tenderizing meat with studs
6. Collecting imports and bootlegs
7. G.B.H.
8. Alternative Ulster - S.L.F.
9. Throwing things about
10. Any one of the following: Beki Bondage, apartment life, white vinyl records, hanging around downtown, No Future Now (sometimes it stinks tho), The Addicts, A.U., Conflicts, The Insane, Nina Hagen]
Eric Berret
1. Hamburgers, french fries
2. Blitz
3. Fog
4. Old horror movies
5. Making noise with my electric guitar
6. Marx Brothers movies
7. Discharge
8. Being young
9. Threats (band)
10. G.B.H. (Leather, Bristles, No Survivors and Sick Boys)
Diane (Vancouver)
1. Handsome Brutes
2. Scary movies
3. James Dean
4. Bludgeoned pigs
5. Rockabilly
6. English accents
7. Vampires
8. Mel Gibson (Road Warrior)
9. Occult
10. Bruce Lee
Colleen Howe
1. Last Poets
2. Crepe cake
3. Non-smokers
4. Porcelain Forehead
5. Paisley sweaters
6. Bed platforms
7. L'Etranger
8. English Beat
9. My plump porcine Viggy
Russ Joyce
1. G.B.H. - all
2. Pink Floyd - all
3. The Animals - all
4. Chelsea F.C. hats
5. D.M.s
6. My long hair - when it grows!!
7. All of our stolen equipment
8. My god - DEE CEE!!
9. Bubaloo- vu vu vu!
10. Raw Sewage (ha ha!)
Rand Peppler
1. James Bond - Ian Flemming
2. Summertime Blues - Eddie Cochran
3. Rockabilly music
4. Route 66 - The Rolling Stones
5. '70s punk - England
6. Bugs Bunny - Warner Bros.
7. Geoff Brown yellin' at the audience
8. Hanging out, man - summertime downtown
9. Underground - Breeding Ground
10. Blick Skiffle - name
11. Barracudas - Surf