For starters there are a couple of new bands about. There's STIFF KITTENS from Kanata featuring ex-ROTTING CORPSES' singer (remember them?) on bass. Mike Hillis sez: "They have virtually zero stage presence except for the drummer (who happens to be female)." **** A free-form unit from west-end suburbia called FLORESCENT YOGURT may -- or may not -- ever appear in public. Singing is Steve Korver of Joe's Banana Clinic fanzine fame. Rob Stevenson plays guitar and some guy named Chris plays an instrument somewhere in there too. **** PAINFUL SCENERY is a new 3-piece band that's made up of thirteen year olds and are reported to be energetic and play a mixture of old punk covers and some originals. *** Andy Bandrowski (ex-TAINTED MEAT) is now playing rhythm guitar for the RESTLESS VIRGINS **** Another relatively new band is SOGGY FROG who are kind like "psychadellic meets hardcore with some Motown thrown in for good measure." **** HONEST INJUN have found a singer: Dave Valequette who (did you know?) used to drum with DROOLING CLASS who never got off the ground floor. **** CIVIL TERROR split up quite a while ago but D.C. and guitarist Tim Mech have stuck together to form
SNUFF MAXIMUS with Ian Seabrook (ex-PORCELAIN FOREHEAD) on drums and Sean Murphy (ex-URBAN ATTACK) on bass. **** RAW SEWAGE has added Dave Coulson on rhythm guitar **** PORCELAIN FOREHEAD have been in the studio recording two tracks. One is going to on a compilation l.p. on R-Radial Records (the label M.D.C. started). The song's called "Will Amerika...?" and the l.p.'s going to be called P.E.A.C.E. (Peace, Equality, Anarchy, Co-operation, Evolution). The other song's called "Cold Steak" which is going to be on a Montreal alternative compilation l.p. Porcelain Forehead are going to be playing a benefit for this last compilation in Montreal on June 16th with DIRECT ACTION (T.O.), the ABSURDS (Montreal) and four other bands. Porcelain Forehead will also be embarking on an extensive tour -- coast to coast! -- in the summer. And they're planning on doing it right this time, work permits, the whole bit. Good luck! **** Other bands planning (or hoping) on doing some recording are D-Ploy, and UNWARRANTED TRUST. HONEST INJUN and RAW SEWAGE say they'll be recording a demo in a few months. **** As for clubs, there's always Barrymore's for the odd show on interest but there's also Banana Obskouri in Hull that is said to be having live shows on Tuesday and Wednesday nights and a new club on Rideau Street called the Underground is having live bands in on Tuesday nights **** As for people putting on shows the way Y.C.P. used to, well, there's a couple of people interested in bringing in some bands but we'll have to wait and see. Some of the bands who may be playing here are: the DETONATORS, J.F.A., the F.U.'s, and GOVERNMENT ISSUE but they're all very tentative except maybe the Detonators but no location has been confirmed for them yet **** As for the bands that won't be playing Ottawa this summer...